Bollywood actress Arfi Javed was detained by Dubai police

Bollywood entertainer arfi jav

 Bollywood entertainer Arfi Javed was confined in Dubai for shooting a video while wearing improper garments.

 As per Indian media reports, Arfi Javed disregarded the laws of the Unified Middle Easterner Emirates and shot a video wearing foul garments in a public spot, because of which he was confined by the Dubai police.

 Arfi Javed was visiting Joined Middle Easterner Emirates nowadays and was going for a portion of her impending ventures, in such manner, she has been sharing pictures and recordings on her Instagram represent the beyond couple of days, however presently she is trapped in Dubai.

 As indicated by reports, the entertainer will be addressed by the police with regards to this issue and will likewise be researched.

 It is likewise being guessed that the neighborhood specialists of UAE might drop Arfi's pass to get back to India.

 It ought to be noticed that Arfi Javed is many times scrutinized via online entertainment because of her unseemly style sense.

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