The actor who turned down a role worth 61 billion rupees

 Could you accept that an entertainer is offered in excess of 61 billion Pakistani rupees for a job in a film yet won't act?

 Indeed, Hollywood entertainer Matt Damon did this and later thought twice about it.

 Some time prior Matt Damon said during a meeting that he was presented by chief James Cameron to play the lead job in the 2009 film Symbol.

 He expressed that with this deal, James Cameron had said that 10% of the film's benefit would be given to him.

 Matt Damon turned down the deal on account of another film, The Bourne Final proposal, yet during the meeting, he communicated lament at losing 10% of Symbol's benefits.

 Symbol is the most elevated netting film on the planet, acquiring more than $2.9 billion in the cinematic world.

 Had Matt Damon not turned down the proposition, he would have acquired $270 million, which is more than the film's spending plan.

 As per a gauge, 23.7 million bucks were spent on the creation of this film.

 James Cameron answered Matt Damon's proclamation during a meeting as of late.

 He said that Matt Damon needs to move past the lament of turning down $270 million.

 He added that Matt Damon was recording one more Bourne film at that point and that is the reason he didn't acknowledge our proposition.

 After Matt Damon's refusal, the job went to entertainer Sam Worthington, yet it isn't clear the amount he was paid.

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